Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

Tugas Softskill A'an_Pengantar Teknologi Game

Codingan Pembuatan Game :


//     Global Variables     //


private Game game = new Game();

private Question question = new Question();

private Answer[] answers = new Answer[3];


// Coordinates for where to draw the buttons

private static final int[] buttonXCoords = {40, 240, 440};


// Limits for generating the random numbers in the questions

private static final int[] limits = {1, 301};


// To store the coordinates of the mouse when clicked

private float[] mouseCoordsOnClick = new float[2];


// Flag for whether we need a new question for the user

private boolean newQuestion = true;


// Flag for whether the game has been started

private boolean gameStarted = false;


// Flag for winning or losing the game

private int gameWon = 0;


// Create new object for the class Cars

private Cars cars = new Cars();



//      Setup method       //


void setup(){


  size(600, 600);



  // Initialise the Answer objects

  for(int i=0; i<3; i++){

    answers[i] = new Answer();


    // Set each answer box's x-coordinate






//     Main draw method     //


void draw(){

    // Draw background


    rect(0, 0, width, 250);


    // If the button has been pressed to start the game

    if(gameStarted == true){

      // Game lost




        text("YOU LOST!", 215, 200);


      else if(gameWon==2){



        text("YOU WON!", 215, 200);



        // If a new question is needed (user answered)

        if(newQuestion == true){

          // No new questions until the user has answered

          newQuestion = false;


          // Draw background


          rect(0, 250, width, 350);


          // New question!










      rect(200, 200, 200, 100);



      text("Start Game", 235, 255);





//        Game class        //


class Game{

  // Constructor

  public void Game(){




  // Sets up and initiates the Question and Answer classes,

  // creating a new question and answer selection for the user

  public void newQuestion(){

    int rand=0;

    // Draw a new question to the screen



    // Reset the 'correct' answer box

    for(int i=0; i<3; i++){




    // Randomly designate an answer box as the 'correct' one

    answers[int(random(0, 3))].setCorrect(true);


    for(int i=0; i<3; i++){


        // Give the 'correct' answer box the value of the answer that was worked out earlier




        // Give the two other answer boxes random numbers in the possible range


          rand = int(random(-149, 301));

        } while(rand==question.getAnswer());

        answers[i].setValue(int(random(-149, 301)));



      // Draw the box that the answer sits in



      // Draw the answer text in the box







//      Question class      //


class Question{

  private int num1;

  private int num2;

  private int operator;

  private int answer;

  private String questionString;


  // For use in building questionString

  private final String[] operators = {"+", "-", "*", "/"};


  // Constructor

  public void Question(){




  // Used by drawQuestion to build a question to display to the

  // user and set fields we'll need later such as the answer

  private void createQuestion(){

    // Create the two random numbers

    num1 = int(random(limits[0], limits[1]));

    num2 = int(random(limits[0], limits[1]));


    // Select a random operator (multiplication and division aren't used)

    int opSelect = int(random(0, 2));



      case 0:

        answer = num1 + num2;


      case 1:

        answer = num1 - num2;


      case 2: // Unused

        answer = num1 * num2;


      case 3: // Unused

        answer = num1 / num2;



    // Build the question string we want to display to the user

    questionString = num1 + " " + operators[opSelect] + " " + num2 + " = ?";



  // Create and display the question string to the user

  public void drawQuestion(){




    text(questionString, 175, 300);



  // Used for returning the correct answer to the random question

  public int getAnswer(){

    return answer;



  // Use the mouse coordinates stored by the mouseclicked event handler

  // and the known coordinates of the answer boxes to find which answer

  // the user actually clicked on, returns -1 if no box was clicked.

  public int getAnswerChoice(){

    // For simplicity

    float x = mouseCoordsOnClick[0];

    float y = mouseCoordsOnClick[1];


    if((y>=475) && (y<=550)){ // Check if mouse is on the right level (y-coordinates)

      if((x>=40) && (x<=165)){ // Leftmost box

        //print("First answer\n");

        return 0;


      else if((x>=240) && (x<=365)){ // Middle box

        //print("Second answer\n");

        return 1;


      else if((x>=440) && (x<=565)){ // Rightmost box

        //print("Third answer\n");

        return 2;



        return -1;




      return -1;




  // Check if the user's answer pick was the correct one

  public void checkAnswer(){

    int choice = getAnswerChoice();

    // A return value of -1 indicates that the user

    // did not click within any of the answer boxes


      print("Not a button\n");



    else if(answers[choice].isCorrect()==true){

      print("Correct answer\n");



    else if(answers[0].isCorrect()==false){

      print("Wrong answer\n");



    // Set the flag to start a new question

    newQuestion = true;






//       Answer class       //


class Answer{

  // X-coordinate of the box to draw

  private int xCoord;

  // Value of the answer to display

  private int value = 0;

  // Whether this answer box is the 'correct' one

  private boolean correct = false;


  // Constructor

  public void Answer(){




  // Draw the box in which the answer text sits

  public void drawButton(){


    rect(xCoord, 475, 125, 75);



  // Draw the text onto the box

  public void drawText(){


    text(value, xCoord+35, 525);



  // Mutator for the x-coordinate

  public void setXCoord(int newXCoord){

    xCoord = newXCoord;



  // Mutator for the answer value

  public void setValue(int newValue){

    value = newValue;



  // Accessor for the answer value

  public int getValue(){

    return value;



  // Mutator for the 'correct answer box' boolean

  public void setCorrect(boolean isCorrect){

    correct = isCorrect;



  // Accessor for the 'correct answer box' boolean

  public boolean isCorrect(){

    return correct;





//        Cars Class        //


class Cars{

  float car1speed;

  float car2speed;

  float x1;

  float x2;

  boolean value;

  boolean correct;

  boolean win;


  //Initialise Variables

  public Cars(){

    x1 = 0;

    x2 = 0;



  public void drawCars(){

    //Draw two cars


    rect(x1, 120, 50, 20);


    rect(x2, 180, 50, 20);


    // To indicate that the green car is the player's



    text("Player", x2+10, 195);



  public void moveCars(){

    x1 += 0.4;

    x2 += 0.25;



  public void speedUp(){

    x2 += 15;



  public void slowDown(){

    x2 -= 25;



  public void checkWin(){




    else if(x2>=550){






//  Mouseclick event handler  //


void mouseClicked(){

  // Store the mouse's current coordinates

  // for use in another method


    mouseCoordsOnClick[0] = mouseX;

    mouseCoordsOnClick[1] = mouseY;




    if(mouseX>200 && mouseX<400 && mouseY>200 && mouseY<300){

      gameStarted = true;





//      Setup method       //


void setup(){


  size(600, 600);



  // Initialise the Answer objects

  for(int i=0; i<3; i++){

    answers[i] = new Answer();


    // Set each answer box's x-coordinate





//        Cars Class        //


class Cars{

  float car1speed;

  float car2speed;

  float x1;

  float x2;

  boolean value;

  boolean correct;

  boolean win;


  //Initialise Variables

  public Cars(){

    x1 = 0;

    x2 = 0;



  public void drawCars(){

    //Draw two cars


    rect(x1, 120, 50, 20);


    rect(x2, 180, 50, 20);


    // To indicate that the green car is the player's



    text("Player", x2+10, 195);



  public void moveCars(){

    x1 += 0.4;

    x2 += 0.25;



  public void speedUp(){

    x2 += 15;



  public void slowDown(){

    x2 -= 25;



  public void checkWin(){




    else if(x2>=550){






//  Mouseclick event handler  //


void mouseClicked(){

  // Store the mouse's current coordinates

  // for use in another method


    mouseCoordsOnClick[0] = mouseX;

    mouseCoordsOnClick[1] = mouseY;




    if(mouseX>200 && mouseX<400 && mouseY>200 && mouseY<300){

      gameStarted = true;




Link youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrs8ZWl06Bk&feature=youtu.be

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